Small buddha figurine made out of copper with gold plated surface and turquoise and coral inlay.
Small buddha figurine made out of copper with gold plated surface and turquoise and coral inlay. - Image 1 of 0
Small buddha figurine made out of copper with gold plated surface and turquoise and coral inlay. - Image 2 of 0
Small buddha figurine made out of copper with gold plated surface and turquoise and coral inlay. - Image 3 of 0
Small buddha figurine made out of copper with gold plated surface and turquoise and coral inlay. - Image 4 of 0

Copper Gold Plated 8" Buddha w/ Turquoise & Coral

Product Code: 10511
Stock Status: In Stock
  • Copper gold plated buddha with with hand made turquoise & coral inlay.
  • Measures: 8" (Height).